When BAs Met Designers

Mar 18, 2024

showcasing a Business Analyst and a UX designer collaborating, each characterized by symbols representing their roles. This design emphasizes their unique contributions to innovation and teamwork in a simple, clear manner

I've been chatting with a bunch of creative minds in the Sri Lankan UX design scene, and something interesting popped up. It’s about how the lines between Business Analysts (BAs) and UX designers are kinda blurring, especially here in Sri Lanka. Why does this matter? Well, because it’s reshaping how we think about design and collaboration. Let’s dive into this a bit.

The New Kids on the Block

First off, you gotta know that UX design is pretty new around here. We’re talking about a field that really started gaining traction in Sri Lanka only in the last 5-7 years. Before that, it was mostly BAs who did a lot of the heavy lifting when it came to wireframing and the initial stages of design. Even now, with dedicated designers joining teams, many folks are still sticking to the old ways of doing things.

A Story of Two Worlds Colliding

Imagine planning to build a house. The BA is kind of like the person who decides on the budget, picks out the land, and figures out what the house needs to do. Designers, though, we’re like the architects making sure the house isn’t just standing but is also a joy to live in.

But here’s the rub: if BAs start picking out the paint colors, choosing furniture, or deciding where the kitchen should go without talking to designers, we might end up with a house that does the job but doesn’t feel like home. It's a bit like that in the world of product design. Without the unique touch of UX designers, we run the risk of creating something functional but missing that special spark.

A Real-World Example

Let’s break it down with a simple example. Suppose a BA decides an app needs a feature for users to track their daily water intake. They sketch a basic wireframe where users log their water, and on paper, it looks alright. But here’s where UX designers shine. We see beyond the basics. We think, “Hey, what if users got reminders to drink water? Or earned rewards for hitting their goals? What if we showed their progress with cool visuals?”

That’s the difference. It’s about turning a simple utility into something that really engages and connects with users on a deeper level.

Bridging the Gap: Collaboration is Key

This whole scenario really highlights the need for BAs and designers to work hand in hand. It’s about mixing our strengths to not just meet the basic needs but to create experiences that really resonate with people. Especially in Sri Lanka, where the UX design scene is still budding, embracing this team spirit can push us ahead, making sure our designs aren’t just about ticking boxes but genuinely making a splash.

So, what’s the big takeaway from all this chat? It’s that the blend of skills between BAs and UX designers isn’t just nice to have; it’s crucial. As we navigate this relatively new territory of UX design in Sri Lanka, fostering a culture where everyone’s voice matters and contributes is key. It’s how we’ll leap from following trends to setting them.

Wrapping up, I hope this sheds some light on the evolving design landscape in Sri Lanka. The journey from traditional roles to a more collaborative and integrated approach is exciting. It’s about building bridges, not just between roles but also between the functional and the magical aspects of design. As we continue to learn and grow together, the possibilities are endless.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you seen similar trends? How do you think we can foster even more collaboration between BAs and designers? Drop your thoughts below or hit me up on social. Let’s keep the conversation going!

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